One of the primary factors why the full-time RV lifestyle is working so well for us this time around is because we’ve learned to slow down. Years ago we never could have imagined staying parked for two weeks or more in one place, now it’s our norm.
It was our friend’s Seth & Drea that intrigued us with the idea. They’ve been living full-time in their Airstream for the last six years. In those 6 years they’ve been more places than a lot of people will ever see in a lifetime. They’ve been all the way up to Alaska, down to Baja and about as far East as you can go in North America…Newfoundland, Canada. Not to mention, countless places in-between. When we spent some time with them in Utah a few years back, we learned about their slow approach.
It was then that we had a bit of an epiphany. Full-time RVing releases you from the constraints of time. You can see as much or as little as you want and move as fast or as slow as your heart desires. Moving every two weeks means 24 different campsites in a year, 24 different places to explore, 24 fresh new views out your window. That’s A LOT. But for some reason, when you first start RVing, you’re inclined to try and see as much as possible, as fast as possible. At least that’s how it was for us. But looking at Seth & Drea, we’re able to see that 6 years of slow travel adds up. And while they stay long enough in a place to really savor it and enjoy it, they still have a TON of experiences under their belt since they hit the road in 2015.
I’ve talked previously about the importance of defining your travel style in order to make full-time RVing sustainable. And the best way to discover your style is by learning from others. For us, Seth & Drea have been a huge inspiration for us.