Content worth sharing: Jedidiah Jenkins 7,000 mile bike ride

We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the mass of junk that consumes the internet these days.  I spend more time than I’d like to admit going down a YouTube rabbit hole.  But every now and then I come across a video or an article or a website that captivates me and truly enriches my life.  I recently came upon a video on YouTube that struck such a cord with me, I saved it to the toolbar of my internet browser so that I would watch it frequently.  That message being that routine is the enemy of time and why Jedidiah Jenkins set out on a 7,000 mile bike ride from Oregon to South America in an attempt to change his relationship with time.

I could watch it everyday and the message would never get old.  I had to share.  It is absolutely worth four minutes of your day.

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If you’re intriqued by Jedidiah and his journey, I highly recommend checking out his book To Shake The Sleeping Self: A journey from Oregon to Patagonia, and a quest for a life with no regret.

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By Michele


Hi, I'm Michele, a nomadic wedding photographer and lover of the great outdoors. I live on the road full-time and document my adventures daily. This is my personal blog where I share and record my thoughts on living simply and intentionally with less stress and more joy. Check out my wedding and portrait photography at

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