Life has been hard on me lately. Scratch that. I’ve been hard on me lately. There’s a big difference.
It seems the older I get, the more questions I have about life. And it seems, the more questions I have, the less answers I’m able to find. I turn 37 this month. 10 years ago I would have thought I’d have so much more figured out by now. Instead, getting older only shows you how little you know.
I believe with age comes expectations. Like we should have reached a certain invisible level, like in a video game. And if we haven’t, we’re failing. Is there such thing though, as failing or succeeding at life? Not really. We succeed and we fail hundreds of times throughout life. But life itself is not a success or failure. It’s a journey by which we are constantly learning.
The expectations to have reached a certain point in life at a certain age, those are only expectations we’ve placed on ourselves. The inner dialogue that we fight: “I’m not good enough”, “what will people think”, “I’m not worthy or adequate or deserving”, “I can’t” – these are battles of our own creation. Those voices inside our heads, telling us we’re not enough, we’re not worthy, are mere fragments of our imagination. Stirring on those thoughts, believing those thoughts is what gives them the power to manifest and become something. Listen to them and they will have an actual affect on your life.
But, the very opposite is also true.
The way to quiet those voices, the way to defeat them, is by choosing to believe in yourself. Choosing to believe that you are enough. That you do deserve good things. That you are capable of anything. Shift your mental energy. Stop feeding the negative and start believing in the good stuff.
Life’s successes start with you.
You have to believe in yourself first before anyone else will.
No one can come along and rescue you from yourself. Your inner dialogue, your internal battle with yourself is solely of your own devise. It can only be conquered from within you.
Life is hard sometimes. It’s complicated and confusing. We have the power to make it better or worse with our inner dialogue. Take a break from beating yourself up and start believing that you’re worth it. That you’re enough. You might just be surprised at the power you have.