
thoughts to thrive on

If I could travel back in time


{Photo of the day: Yoga time.} Mackenzie, our 21 year old niece, is currently wading thru one of life’s existential crises.  The “what do I want to do with my life” dilemma that I remember all too well.  I think I might remember it so well because, for me, that feeling has never completely gone away.  Mark & I so badly wish we had answers for her, or a roadmap, anything to help ease the...

The truth is…


The first signs of fall have begun to appear. I’m feeling everything lately. I’m frustrated that our world is bubbling over with bad news on a daily basis. I’m as confused as I’ve ever been about the future. I feel resentment towards those not taking COVID seriously while Mark & I have made drastic changes in our life to not contribute to the spread. I’m sad that Mark is no longer doing the...

Killing the constant need for more


Yesterday I was sitting on my deck eating lunch and as I looked around I couldn’t help but smile.  In that moment, I was completely overcome with gratitude.  I was eating a vibrant, nutritious meal, the temperature was perfect, the view more beautiful than ever and my home everything I could ask for and more.  I had everything I could ever want in that moment.  But my gratitude didn’t...

7 ways to simplify your life


Last month Mark & I were in Los Angeles visiting family when my cousin asked us “How do you live such a simple life?”.  I stirred on that question for a week and came to the conclusion that there’s no simple answer.  We all have the ability to simplify or complicate our lives and for years now Mark & I have made thoughtful choices in an effort to live the life we desire.  The more I...

Me, You & Us: nurturing the three entities that comprise a marriage


My husband and I believe there are three separate entities that comprise a marriage: ME: me as an individual YOU: him as an individual & US: us together as a couple The health and happiness of each entity equally important but their individual needs not always the same. If all my decisions are made with only MY happiness in mind, than the marriage is likely to suffer.  If all his decisions...

Exchanging time for money


Mark asked me tonight if I would be interested in buying a house down the street as an investment property to rent out.  Hell no was my knee jerk reaction.  Then we discussed it for a bit and still, I stood at a firm hell no.  Not because it’s not a great idea.  It is a great idea.  There is definitely an opportunity for income there.  But luckily I know how to look past the income and at the...

The lie I tell myself daily


Everyday life is a whirlwind of tasks.  Work, cook, eat, clean, pay the bills, go to appointments, walk the dog, call mom, don’t forget to return that text, buy that gift, research that thing.  Sleep.  Wake.  Repeat.  Today, as I was deciding what task to tackle next, something occurred to me:  I put every single responsibility and distraction ahead of taking care of myself.  Thus crafting a lie...

Overcoming Doubt


Doubt.  It’s often the one thing holding us back from reaching our fullest potential.  Me and Doubt, we know each other well.  I regularly doubt my knowledge, strength, abilities, worthiness, potential, talent and so on.  On a daily basis, doubt battles for control over the dialogue in my mind.  Doubt is commander-in-chief of the demons that stand between me and success.  Those demons on a...

Why comparing ourselves is a direct threat on our happiness


In life, we have a natural tendency to compare.  Compare ourselves to others.  Compare our present to our past.  Compare our place in society to society as a whole.  Compare our bodies, ours spouses, our houses, our cars, our jobs, our happiness, our health and our wealth.  It’s often how we gauge success, by measuring it up against something.  Whether that be another person or our own...

Life in Idaho and how there’s no such thing as having it all


It’s November 5th and I’m sitting outside on my deck, in my pajamas…and I’m not cold.  I’m completely baffled by this reality.  After nearly a decade and a half in the Colorado Rockies I came to know November as the second month of an eight month long winter.  The ski resorts that surrounded me would open for skiing in November.  Fall would be long behind us and summer would be a distant memory...


Hi, I'm Michele, a nomadic wedding photographer and lover of the great outdoors. I live on the road full-time and document my adventures daily. This is my personal blog where I share and record my thoughts on living simply and intentionally with less stress and more joy. Check out my wedding and portrait photography at


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