
thoughts to thrive on

How curiosity leads to possibilities


Yesterday I’m in the produce section looking for cucumbers.  I’m scanning for cucumbers when I realize something interesting.  I’m not seeing anything else.  All I can see is what is a cucumber and what is not a cucumber.  This got me thinking about tunnel vision and how we subconsciously limit our options without even realizing it. Tunnel vision can be beneficial when it comes to reaching a goal...

Thinking vs. Acting


The other day I was researching e-mail subscriptions services for this website.  You know, those really annoying pop-up windows that asks you to subscribe.  I hate those.  So I was searching for a way to offer a subscription offer in an unobtrusive way.  All this stuff is foreign to me.  I searched the web high and low, getting more and more confused with every article.  By the end of the day I’d...

Four steps to build the foundation of a new dream


For years and years I’ve thought about how much I’d like to write.  “I don’t have the time, the talent, the motivation” were some of my self-impeded road blocks.  The desire was there but it never amounted to anything.  I started to feel like a broken record, telling my husband how badly I wish I could get myself to write.  My perfectionist ways were keeping me from even trying.  I wouldn’t let...

The meaning of life


Finding meaning in life can be one of it’s hardest challenges.  Something I struggle with a lot lately.  All my life I’ve gone thru “What’s the point?” phases.  But lately, now that I’m middle-aged and not actively working towards a significant milestone (marriage, career, buying a house), I feel myself searching for meaning more than ever.  I’d say it might be the single...

The most effective way to a productive, stress-free day


Every day I wake up and begin my day with intention.  I have a morning routine that is becoming a ritual because everything falls in to place after completing it.  I wake up, make myself a cup of tea, retreat to my writing room and spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour slowly waking up and writing about whatever my heart desires.  There is no pressure, no expectations.  Just the sunshine, my...

Sometimes you just have to start


When it comes to starting a new project, chasing a new dream, attaining a new goal, there are a thousand reasons to delay your start.  We’re wired to think we need to wait for it to be the perfect time, when in reality there is no such thing.  The reasons we think we need to wait are simply holding us back from just starting and figuring it out as we go.  The way to get started is to just start. ...


Hi, I'm Michele, a nomadic wedding photographer and lover of the great outdoors. I live on the road full-time and document my adventures daily. This is my personal blog where I share and record my thoughts on living simply and intentionally with less stress and more joy. Check out my wedding and portrait photography at


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