
thoughts to thrive on

The joy of living in the moment


We can learn so much from kids.  What I learn about most when I’m with my nieces is joy.  See, kids aren’t caught up with bills and jobs and all the other responsibilities that we let weigh us down daily.  Does that mean our stress is warranted? Nope…because kids know something we’ve long forgotten…today is the only day that really matters.  As we grow older we lose sight of today and begin...

Every little thing is gonna be alright


I think worrying may be one of the most exhaustive thought processes we can engage in.  Life is an ongoing series of highs and lows.  A wave that sometimes we ride and sometimes we just survive.  The act of worrying being at the heart of what tries to pull us under.  Worrying has no end, nor does it create any kind of solution.   WORRYING IS NOTHING BUT MEDITATING ON SHIT.   Where do...

Laugh hard, laugh often


Sometimes you’ve got to just laugh.Hysterically.At nothing.Or yourself.Or life. “LIFE ISN’T AS SERIOUS AS THE MIND MAKES IT OUT TO BE.” -eckart tolle Life is meant to be enjoyed.To take all it’s wonderful highs and tormented lows with a grain of salt.Life is hard.Laughter makes it easier. Don’t feel like laughing?Try anyways.It will be fake and absurd at first.Until you hear how...

Happy isn’t easy


I feel like we’ve begun to confuse ease and comfort with happiness and fulfillment.  My own life proving to be a fine example of this.  I live in a beautiful place and have built a successful career.  Life, for the most part, is pretty easy and quite comfortable.  But over the last year I’ve grown increasingly unhappy.  Which is confusing because I don’t want for much more in life.  So why on...

Every day is an opportunity


Every day, when the sun rises, is a new opportunity to start fresh.  To take the time you’ve been given and make something with it.  No one can do that for you.  You’ll never happen upon the life of your dreams by just floating along. Time marches on whether we make something of it or not.  It’s up to us to make our time count.  To make it mean something to us and to those around us.  Make it...

Create a life you love


What makes you happy, if even for a short time?  Do more of that.What makes you angry, stressed, frustrated?  Do less of that.Who makes you laugh?  Spend more time with them.Who makes you feel inferior?  Stop giving them your most precious commodity…your time.Where do you feel energized?  Go there more.Where do you feel drained?  Go there less.When do you feel most alive? Dissect that...

How to build momentum to reach your goals


When taking on a new challenge in life, whether it be a diet or exercise program or starting a business, start with the easiest tasks.  When starting new things, we tend to procrastinate getting started at all because we think of all the hardest things involved in accomplishing our goal.  What if instead we just chose the easiest things and did those?  No one tries to run a marathon the day they...

Create more. Consume less.


In today’s culture, much of our free time is spent consuming.  Whether it be food or media or entertainment.  Shopping for things we need and things we don’t.  We’re constantly taking something in and constantly wanting for more.  More food, more stuff, more social media, all in the hopes it will make us happy or make us numb to our lack thereof.  Yet no matter how much we consume, we’re...

Just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean you have to


When someone tells you that you have to do something, do you ever ask WHY?  Or when society leads you to believe you need to go left, do you ever consider going right?  Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you have to.  And just because someone tells you you should, doesn’t mean you’re obligated to. I got to thinking about this concept the other day at work when a bride told me (I...

You are the CEO of your life


You are the CEO of your life. All the people that have led you to believe that you should do this or you’re supposed to do that, have no idea what they’re doing. None of us have any idea what we’re doing. Life is an experiment. There is no manual for how it works. What works for me may not work for you. What makes your parents happy or your neighbors happy may not make you happy. You determine...


Hi, I'm Michele, a nomadic wedding photographer and lover of the great outdoors. I live on the road full-time and document my adventures daily. This is my personal blog where I share and record my thoughts on living simply and intentionally with less stress and more joy. Check out my wedding and portrait photography at


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