Notes from the road

on pursuing a healthy, mindful life



Hi, I’m Michele. I live on the road full-time and photograph mountain weddings for a living. This is my personal blog where I share my thoughts on living simply and intentionally with less stress and more joy. Want to follow along? Sign up below to receive new posts straight to your inbox.

You can find my wedding and portrait work at

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Latest stories

On pain and trusting the process


Pain is a funny thing.  Yet, not funny at all.  When you feel it, it’s all encompassing.  It’s hard to see or feel or think about anything but the pain.  It feels like nothing else exists and nothing else ever will.  Whether physical pain or emotional pain, when pain takes hold, life becomes harder than ever to navigate.  Three months ago, when my husband and I decided to put our 13 year old dog...

When is it ever enough?


Living on the road, not owning a house…or inhabiting a house at all for that matter, is a direct violation of society’s expectations.  This lifestyle goes directly against the grain of how most people live and has revealed to me the weight of what we’ve been led to believe is important.  We’ve been led to believe we should always ALWAYS be striving for more.  More money, more stuff.  Life is a...

On technology, balance and true connection


Lately I’ve become increasingly attached to my phone.  Something that’s hard to admit because 1) I don’t want to believe that to be true 2) it’s such a slippery slope, it’s hard to step outside yourself and realize you’re doing it 3) it’s so easy to justify it as a tool that it’s difficult to admit to it being anything else. But it’s started to feel like an addiction lately.  The more I use it...

The joy of living in the moment


We can learn so much from kids.  What I learn about most when I’m with my nieces is joy.  See, kids aren’t caught up with bills and jobs and all the other responsibilities that we let weigh us down daily.  Does that mean our stress is warranted? Nope…because kids know something we’ve long forgotten…today is the only day that really matters.  As we grow older we lose sight of today and begin...

It’s all outside


Peace. Joy. Contentment. Beauty. Wonder. Awe. Adventure. Inspiration. Experience. It’s all outside. Quiet your mind and awaken your senses. Sit. Swim. Run. Hike. In forests and oceans, across deserts and up mountains. Feel the rain. The breeze. The sand. The sun. Watch the sun set. The moon rise. And the stars glow. Step outside the walls that confine you. Scare yourself. Challenge yourself. Find...

Nature as therapy


The great outdoors is an undeniable source of therapy.  There is something incredibly powerful about putting your day to day bullshit as a human being aside and immersing yourself somewhere in nature where we can be reminded that we are insignificant.  When you walk thru the woods and are surrounded by trees that have seen hundreds more years than you have and will go on to see hundreds more than...

Every little thing is gonna be alright


I think worrying may be one of the most exhaustive thought processes we can engage in.  Life is an ongoing series of highs and lows.  A wave that sometimes we ride and sometimes we just survive.  The act of worrying being at the heart of what tries to pull us under.  Worrying has no end, nor does it create any kind of solution.   WORRYING IS NOTHING BUT MEDITATING ON SHIT.   Where do...

Laugh hard, laugh often


Sometimes you’ve got to just laugh.Hysterically.At nothing.Or yourself.Or life. “LIFE ISN’T AS SERIOUS AS THE MIND MAKES IT OUT TO BE.” -eckart tolle Life is meant to be enjoyed.To take all it’s wonderful highs and tormented lows with a grain of salt.Life is hard.Laughter makes it easier. Don’t feel like laughing?Try anyways.It will be fake and absurd at first.Until you hear how...

Happy isn’t easy


I feel like we’ve begun to confuse ease and comfort with happiness and fulfillment.  My own life proving to be a fine example of this.  I live in a beautiful place and have built a successful career.  Life, for the most part, is pretty easy and quite comfortable.  But over the last year I’ve grown increasingly unhappy.  Which is confusing because I don’t want for much more in life.  So why on...

Content worth sharing: Jedidiah Jenkins 7,000 mile bike ride


We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the mass of junk that consumes the internet these days.  I spend more time than I’d like to admit going down a YouTube rabbit hole.  But every now and then I come across a video or an article or a website that captivates me and truly enriches my life.  I recently came upon a video on YouTube that struck such a cord with me, I saved it to the toolbar...


Hi, I'm Michele, a nomadic wedding photographer and lover of the great outdoors. I live on the road full-time and document my adventures daily. This is my personal blog where I share and record my thoughts on living simply and intentionally with less stress and more joy. Check out my wedding and portrait photography at


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